Dear Reader,

I think we’re doing something good at It’s Alive! Zen. Together, we’re cultivating a meditation culture that is both ancient and innovative, discovering a spiritual practice that is authentic to each of us.  We’re helping people to open their hearts and minds to unexplored territories of freedom and compassion, which seems especially important in uncertain times like these.

It’s Alive! Zen is growing, and it would be good if we could keep doing that.  I love what we do, and also I have a vision for us that includes more. I would like us to offer retreats and workshops that are more frequent and intensive, to someday to have our own practice space, and to be a community where members can grow into leaders. I insist that we continue offering programs to people regardless of their financial situation, as we always have.

But growth isn’t free. It takes time, dedicated people, energy, and money, and there is only so much of each that I am able to give.  So I humbly ask for your support in this endeavor.

If you benefit from our regular meditation group, periodic retreats, teachings through blog posts or audio recordings, or in some other way, please consider becoming a sustaining member to ensure that we’re around and continuing to grow. Benefits to becoming a sustaining member (at $25 or more per month) include:


– Brief individual practice conversations with Jesse Cardin, Roshi or a discount on intensive individual sessions (15 minutes per $25 contributed)

– 10% off all It’s Alive! Zen retreats and workshops

– Don’t worry about bringing cash to the weekly group!

– Quarterly newsletter to let you know what we’re up to

– Peace of mind, knowing that our meditation group will be there every Wednesday night to support you and anyone else who wants to come.


If what we do is important to you, please click the “Donate” button below to be taken to a secure PayPal website. You can become a sustaining member by opting for automatic monthly payments, or make a one-time donation of any amount.

Please note: It’s Alive! Zen is not a non-profit organization and therefore any membership dues or donations will not be tax-deductible.  If you would prefer for your membership to be tax-deductible, you can contribute through our parent organization, Pacific Zen Institute.  Go to their Donation page and select Jesse Cardin as the teacher.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by email ( or telephone (210-527-8755).

Thank you for your generosity,

Jesse Cardin, Roshi



Support Us

Through your generosity, you help people find their own path into awakening and you help us grow.

Your support allows us to support our teacher and keep our doors open to everyone regardless of means.

If you regularly attend our weekly meditation group, enjoy the blogs or audio recordings, or benefit from It’s Alive! in some other way, consider becoming a sustaining member or making a donation.

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